Dear Diary: A List of 51 Fun Journal Prompts for Kids

Journal Prompts for Kids

Dear Diary: A Collection of 51 Fun Journal Prompts for Kids to Help Your Children Find Their Voice

A dear diary is a famous phrase for a journal entry. As it happens, everyone at some point had a journal or diary neatly tucked away in a shelf or a drawer, away from prying eyes. Today, kids are growing in the digital age, making us realize how no one writes down anything on paper anymore. Instead, they can post it online!

So here’s the thing: If you want your kids to learn how to write their innermost thoughts and feelings and spark their creativity, then you need to teach them how to do this on paper! That’s why we created this fun-filled list of 51 journal prompts for kids (and their parents) who want to explore the world through writing.

Writing a journal can be an excellent way for kids to express themselves and connect with their innermost thoughts. It’s also a great exercise in mindfulness, which means they’ll be able to focus on what they’re doing now instead of worrying about past events or plans. 

Writing is an essential skill that helps us and kids process emotions, teaches us critical thinking, and gives clarity when we’re lost or confused about something. So grab some pens or pencils and prepare creative journal ideas for school!

What are the Different Types of Journal Prompts?

Journal pages are blank paper on which you can write anything. The journal you fill out is based on your personality and can be whatever you’d like it to be: A planner for events, money saving plan, a book of sketches, or even a gratitude journal!

Questions are often the easiest way to get your child to write about something. For example, ask your child one question at a time: “What draws your attention in this room?” Once you get an answer (perhaps “the clock”), then ask another (“Why?”) and so on.

The written word is one of the most enduring and transcendent communication. Quotes, especially those that resonate with us, tend to evoke deep emotions or philosophical thought in readers and listeners alike.

For some people, a single word or short phrase can be enough to inspire their creativity. Try taking common words and using them as starting points for creative thinking; you may also find this practice challenging.

However, we should focus on questions for children who have never kept a journal. These offer relatively narrow topics but are long enough for the child to write about them in detail.

Though prompts can take a wide variety of forms, they all have one thing in common: They help us write about subjects that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to discuss.

It can be entirely in bullet point form, drawn images with captions, scrapbook pieces, or anything else that supports how we want to communicate our thoughts.

What can Kids Journal be About?

Journaling is an excellent way for children to explore their interests and develop their creativity. Your child is never too young or old to start a journal; they can fill it with anything they want — from stories to pictures they draw. Here are some ideas for kids’ journals:

  • If your children love animals, they could draw pictures of them in a journal and record what they like about each one (furry ears, long whiskers).
  • If your kids have an interest in sports, they could describe the strategies used by their favorite team during a game or write down the players’ names and their positions on the field.
  • If your youngsters love art class at school, they could create illustrations of their family members. They might also include photos from recent trips and notes about any new skills they learned during those travels.

The possibilities are endless when writing in a journal. You can write about anything: your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and questions. Journaling helps you explore your thoughts and feelings more deeply than simply talking about them.

Journaling has many benefits, but one of the best is capturing your thoughts and feelings in one place. It’s a place to reflect on what happened throughout the day or previous days. 

You might discover new things about yourself by looking back through past entries! Journal prompts are a great way for kids to start writing because they can use them repeatedly for years. They also inspire those times when you don’t know what to write about next.

A journal takes your child on a journey with their thoughts. It is one of the best ways to help kids find their voice, and it’s also a perfect way to express themselves and their feelings. As parents and teachers, we can encourage our children by providing them with creative journal prompts that will help them think about their lives in new ways.

Writing prompts can help kids think more creatively by getting them out of the habit of writing things precisely as they would when speaking. Encouraging kids to use more vivid and expressive words helps them become empathetic towards others. Finally, expressive writing will help them become confident writers later because they’ll have had practice telling engaging and exciting stories, even if they don’t have all the facts right!

Another great benefit of journaling is that it encourages children to think critically about what happens around them–which will help them understand why certain things occur so that they can take steps towards solving problems or preventing similar ones from happening again. 

How do You Use Journal Prompts for Kids?

Prompts are a way to help kids express themselves in a journal, writing, poetry, or any other creative writing endeavor. Kids can use them at all ages, and they will get your child started on their creative journey.

Journal prompts for kids are also a great way to help you get your child to think creatively. For example, try asking them, “What would happen if I could fly?” or “How would you describe this picture?” You will be surprised at how quickly kids can develop new ideas when prompted by words like these.

Since children use their imagination to express themselves, imagine what X different questions would do. Don’t ask them all at once—we all know they’ll run through that door if you do! Instead, go slowly, ask one question, then ask follow-up questions if they don’t fully understand.

There is this unmistakable look on their faces when kids read a journal prompt and have an idea pop into their heads without hesitation. You see how each prompt alone could inspire a whole journal or writing project. Each prompt in the following text is written with the idea that you either use it as is or modify it to fit your child’s needs.

51 Good Journal Prompts for Kids in School to Help Your Kids Use the Power of Their Voice

When you’re trying to help your kids write—whether through journaling or more traditional writing tasks—you must remember what the purpose of this kind of writing is: it’s not about the outcome; it’s about the process. The goal is not for them to write a book or get published; it’s to learn how to use their voices and express themselves. To do this, we need to give them as many opportunities as possible for self-expression.

And remember: these prompts are meant as jumping-off points; they’re not meant to be taken literally or followed word-for-word. So here are 51 ideas on journal prompts for kids to use in their writing. They’re all designed with kids in mind (and maybe even some older children).

Simple Journal Prompts for Kids to Start Writing

  1. Write about your favorite stuffed animal.

We know that there are stories hidden in things that were exciting and frightening, happy and sad. So what do you think of stories your stuffed animal could tell if it could talk?

  1. Who is your best friend?

Best friends often come with memories, experiences, and even lessons. It’s a simple starting point to get your child open up to writing. Journal prompts for kids based on something they know well can lead them on the path to memories. For instance, you are plunking down on a worn, red leather chair and folding your hands. You anticipate something to happen, and then BAM! Hugh takes out a frog and throws it in your lap.

  1. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?

Families are constant and the first thing a child learns when taking their first steps in the world. Hence there are always stories weaved around the persons closest to us. 

  1. If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?

Kids often have their favorite superheroes. That’s a good conversation and writing point. If they are keener on other things, you can change the question to fit their preferences.

  1. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of “summer”?

Summer is perhaps the most beautiful time of year for everyone. So plenty is going on, including vacations and traveling. 

Reflective Journal Prompts for Kids

  1. What made you happy today?
  1. What is your ideal day like?
  1. What is something that makes you feel proud when you think about it?
  1. First memory of what made you feel upset
  1. Where do you feel most at peace, and why?
  1. Write about someone who inspires you.
  1. Write down everything you are thankful for.
  1. How can we help others be their best selves?
  1. If I had three wishes, and then explain them!
  1. Write about a memory that makes you happy.
  1. If I had $1,000,000, I would spend it on (what)
  1. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever learned in school?
  1. Describe yourself in three words.
  1. Who is the one person who makes you feel loved? How do they demonstrate their concern for you?
  1. A moment in your life you will never forget.

Goals and Dreams Journal Prompts for Kids

  1. What do you want to be when you grow up? 
  1. What would you do if you ruled the world for a day?
  1. If I could go anywhere in the world, I would travel to (where)
  1. What would you ask a person you admire
  1. If you could have one skill, what would it be? What stops you from learning it?
  1. What are three skills you have, and are you good at them?
  1. You are an inventor. What would you invent for the world to use?
  1. You find a key on an (item) it unlocks (what) that leads to (where)

Critical Thinking Journal Prompts for Kids

  1. What is more important, love or money?
  1. What makes a good friend?
  1. Name one thing which makes you angry. Why?
  1. What would it be like to live on the moon?
  1. How would you describe yourself to an alien?
  1. What would it be like if you could choose a time in history to live?
  1. What is something that you always have with you?
  1. If you could only know one spell, what would it be, and what would it do?
  1. If you were lost and alone, what would you do?
  1. What would you do if you had one whole day to do whatever you wanted?
  1. What is the most unique or unusual thing in or around your house? Why do you think it’s so impressive?
  1. You are grocery shopping for your family. What do you buy?
  1. All the keys to your house and school are gone, how will you help?

Journal Prompts for Kids to Spark Imagination and Creativity

  1. How do you feel when the leaves change?
  1. Have you ever flown on an airplane? What was it like?
  1. What is your favorite carnival ride?
  1. You end up in a robot colony school. What do you do?
  1. Write a story using these five words: sky, train, mouse, handkerchief, violin.
  1. If you could pick any animal to be, what would it be? Why?
  1. Imagine if you could talk to animals. What would it be like?
  1. If you had a magic potion to shrink you to a size of a mouse, what does it feel like?
  1. You enter the sea and turn into fish. What would it be like?
  1. There are seven stones in the forest where you walk. Suddenly they turn into (what?)

Conclusion on Journal Prompts for Kids and Benefits

The best part about having kids is watching them grow up. But as much fun as it is to protect their personalities develop, it’s even more fun when they start using the power of their voice. If you often ask them to write down what they think or feel, you’ll see them developing communication and critical thinking skills. Writing prompts are a great way to encourage your kid’s creativity while also helping them express themselves in ways they may not have been able to before!

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